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Open Shortest Path First. A link-state intradomain routing protocol that is often used in enterprise and ISP networks. OSPF is defined in and :rfc:`2328` and :rfc:`5340`
a packet is the unit of information transfer in the network layer
Problem-based learning is a teaching approach that relies on problems.
The Post Office Protocol (POP), defined :rfc:`1939`, is an application-level protocol that allows a client to download email messages stored on a server.
remote login
A service that enables a user to connect to a distant server over the network. Telnet, defined in :rfc:`854` and the BSD rlogin services defined in :rfc:`1282` were popular in the past. They have been deprecated for security reasons and are now replaced by :term:`ssh`.
A server that implements the DNS protocol and can resolve queries. A resolver usually serves a set of clients (e.g. all hosts in campus or all clients of a given ISP). It sends DNS queries to nameservers everywhere on behalf of its clients and stores the received answers in its cache. A resolver must know the IP addresses of the root nameservers.
Routing Information Protocol. An intradomain routing protocol based on distance vectors that is sometimes used in enterprise networks. RIP is defined in :rfc:`2453`.
Regional Internet Registry. An organization that manages IP addresses and AS numbers on behalf of :term:`IANA`.
root nameserver
A name server that is responsible for the root of the domain names hierarchy. There are currently a dozen root nameservers and each DNS resolver See http://www.root-servers.org/ for more information about the operation of these root servers.
The round-trip-time (RTT) is the delay between the transmission of a segment and the reception of the corresponding acknowledgment in a transport protocol.
A relay operating in the network layer.