English Dutch
This course doesn't exist.
You can't access this page as a member of the staff.
Couldn't register to the specified group. Onmogelijk in the schrijven in de opgegeven groep.
You are not allowed to change group. Je mag niet van groep veranderen.
You're not registered in a group. Je bent niet ingeschreven in een groep.
No LTI data available.
Missing LTI session id Ontbrekende LTI sessie identificator
Invalid LTI session id Ongeldige LTI sessie indicator
Invalid LTI data Ongeldige LTI gegevens
Your account is already bound with this context. Je gebruikersaccount is reeds gekoppeld aan deze context.
Error while parsing the LTI request
In order to send grade back to the TC, INGInious needs the parameters lis_outcome_service_url and lis_outcome_result_id in the LTI basic-launch-request. Please contact your administrator.
Couldn't validate LTI request Onmogelijk de LTI opvraging te valideren
You're not allowed to do that
User returned an invalid form.
You're not allow to register.
Invalid activation hash. Ongeldige activatie hash.
User successfully activated.
Invalid username format. Ongeldig formaat van gebruikersnaam.
Invalid email format. Ongeldig formaat van email adres.