Units API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/units/33776/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "translation": "https://weblate.info.ucl.ac.be/api/translations/cnp3-ebook/principlesnaming/en/?format=api",
    "source": [
        "This hierarchical naming scheme is a key component of the Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS is a distributed database that contains mappings between fully qualified domain names and addresses. The DNS uses the client-server model. The clients are hosts or applications that need to retrieve the mapping for a given name. Each :term:`nameserver` stores part of the distributed database and answers the queries sent by clients. There is at least one :term:`nameserver` that is responsible for each domain. In the figure below, domains are represented by circles and there are three hosts inside domain `dom` (`h1`, `h2` and `h3`) and three hosts inside domain `a.sdom1.dom`. As shown in the figure below, a sub-domain may contain both host names and sub-domains."
    "previous_source": "",
    "target": [
        "This hierarchical naming scheme is a key component of the Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS is a distributed database that contains mappings between fully qualified domain names and addresses. The DNS uses the client-server model. The clients are hosts or applications that need to retrieve the mapping for a given name. Each :term:`nameserver` stores part of the distributed database and answers the queries sent by clients. There is at least one :term:`nameserver` that is responsible for each domain. In the figure below, domains are represented by circles and there are three hosts inside domain `dom` (`h1`, `h2` and `h3`) and three hosts inside domain `a.sdom1.dom`. As shown in the figure below, a sub-domain may contain both host names and sub-domains."
    "id_hash": -1641407016219537117,
    "content_hash": -1641407016219537117,
    "location": "../../principles/naming.rst:84",
    "context": "",
    "note": "",
    "flags": "",
    "state": 100,
    "fuzzy": false,
    "translated": true,
    "approved": false,
    "position": 16,
    "has_suggestion": false,
    "has_comment": false,
    "has_failing_check": false,
    "num_words": 121,
    "source_unit": "https://weblate.info.ucl.ac.be/api/units/33776/?format=api",
    "priority": 100,
    "id": 33776,
    "web_url": "https://weblate.info.ucl.ac.be/translate/cnp3-ebook/principlesnaming/en/?checksum=69388d03ea669123",
    "url": "https://weblate.info.ucl.ac.be/api/units/33776/?format=api",
    "explanation": "",
    "extra_flags": "",
    "pending": false,
    "timestamp": "2019-10-14T10:39:11.904998+02:00"