Then, you need to extend the build method that creates routers and hosts.
Although IPMininet_ can assign prefixes and addresses automatically, we use manually assigned addresses in this example.
We use five /64 IPv6 prefixes in this network topology:
``2001:db8:1341:1::/64`` on the link between ``a`` and ``r1``
``2001:db8:1341:12::/64`` on the link between ``r1`` and ``r2``
``2001:db8:1341:13::/64`` on the link between ``r1`` and ``r3``
``2001:db8:1341:23::/64`` on the link between ``r2`` and ``r3``
``2001:db8:1341:1::/64`` on the link between ``b`` and ``r3``
We can then manually configure the IPv6 addresses of each host/router on each link. Let us start with the links attached to the two hosts.
The same can be done for the three links between the different routers.
With these IP prefixes and the network topology, we can now use IPMininet_ to create the topology and assign the addresses.
We start by creating the objects that correspond to the static routes on the three routers. The second argument of the ``addDaemon`` method is a list of ``StaticRoute`` objects. Each of these objects is created by specifying an IP prefix and a nexthop.
We can now create the hosts and the routers
With this ``build`` method, we can now launch the network by using the python code below.
The entire script is available from :download:`/exercises/ipmininet_scripts/static-1.py`.
To help students to start using IPMininet, `Mathieu Jadin <https://inl.info.ucl.ac.be/mjadin.html>`_ has created a Vagrant box that launches a Ubuntu virtual machine with all the required software. See https://ipmininet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html for additional information.
Here is a simple example of the utilization of this Vagrant box.
We start the network topology shown above with the ``sudo python script.py`` command. It launches the mininet_ interactive shell that provides several useful commands:
Some of the standard mininet commands assume the utilisation of IPv4 and do not have a direct IPv6 equivalent. Here are some useful commands.
The ``nodes`` command lists the routers and hosts that have been created in the mininet topology.