While the provided examples show the usage of a `char` array as the data buffer, implementers should **never** assume that it contains a string. C programs rely on the `char` type to refer to a 8-bit long value, and arbitrary binary values can be exchanged over the network (i.e., the ``\0`` value does not delimit the end of the data).
Using this code, the program will read and print an arbitrary message received from an arbitrary peer who knows the program's socket address. If we want to know the address of the peer that sent us the message, we can use the ``recvfrom`` system call. This is what a modified version of ``bind_and_receive_from_peer`` is doing below.
Using sockets for inter-process communication
Until now, we learned how to use sockets that were already created. When writing a whole program, you will have to create you own sockets and choose the concrete technology that it will use to communicate with others. In this section, we will create new sockets and allow a program to communicate with processes located on another computer using a network. The most recent standardized technology used to communicate through a network is the :term:`IPv6` network protocol. In the IPv6 protocol, hosts are identified using *IPv6 addresses*. Modern operating systems allow IPv6 network communications between programs to be done using the socket API, just as we did in the previous sections.
to wrap the ``recv_and_handle_message`` server function in a ``server`` executable, similarly to what you have done with the ``client`` executable.
to wrap the ``create_and_send_message`` in a ``client`` executable that can parse user arguments (the ``getopt(3)`` function might help) and appropriately call the wrapped function;
This system call will assign the socket ``sockfd`` to the ``addr`` remote socket address. The process can then use the ``send`` and ``write`` system calls that do not to specify the destination socket address. Furthermore, the calls to ``recv`` and ``read`` will only deliver messages sent by this remote address. This is useful when we only care about the other peer messages.
This function is now using the ``recvfrom`` system call that will also provide the address of the peer who sent the message. As addresses are generic and can have different sizes, ``recvfrom`` also tells us the size of the address that it has written.
The socket is a powerful abstraction as it allows processes to communicate even if they are located on different computers. In this specific cases, the inter-processes communication will go through a network.
The socket API is quite low-level and should be used only when you need a complete control of the network access. If your application simply needs, for instance, to retrieve data from a web server, there are much simpler and higher-level APIs.
The ``sendto`` system call allows to send data to a peer identified by its socket address through a given socket.
The port number identifying the program running on the computer
The message mentioned above will be transmitted starting from the upper 32-bits word in network byte order. The first field is encoded in 16 bits. It is followed by eight one bit flags (`A-H`), a 24 bits field whose high order byte is shown in the first line and the two low order bytes appear in the second line followed by two one byte fields. This ASCII representation is frequently used when defining binary protocols. We will use it for all the binary protocols that are discussed in this book.
The IPv6 address of the computer
The following program connects a socket to a remote address, sends a message and waits for a reply.
The following program binds its socket to a given socket address and then waits for receiving new bytes, using the already created socket ``sock``.
The first possibility was named `big-endian` in a note written by Cohen [Cohen1980]_ while the second was named `little-endian`. Vendors of CPUs that used `big-endian` in memory insisted on using `big-endian` encoding in networked applications while vendors of CPUs that used `little-endian` recommended the opposite. Several studies were written on the relative merits of each type of encoding, but the discussion became almost a religious issue [Cohen1980]_. Eventually, the Internet chose the `big-endian` encoding, i.e. multi-byte fields are always transmitted by sending the most significant byte first, :rfc:`791` refers to this encoding as the :term:`network-byte order`. Most libraries [#fhtonl]_ used to write networked applications contain functions to convert multi-byte fields from memory to the network byte order and the reverse.
The first argument is the file descriptor of the socket that we use to perform the communication. ``buf`` is a buffer of length ``len`` containing the bytes to send to the peer. The usage of ``flags`` argument is out of the scope of this section and can be set to 0. ``dest_addr`` is the socket address of the destination to which we want to send the bytes, its length is passed using the ``addrlen`` argument.
The ``domain`` parameter specifies the address family that we will use to concretely perform the communication. For an IPv6 socket, the ``domain`` parameter will be set to the value ``AF_INET6``, telling the operating system that we plan to communicate using IPv6 addresses. The ``type`` parameter specifies the communication guarantees that we need. For now, we will use the type ``SOCK_DGRAM`` which allows us to send *unreliable messages*. This means that each data that we send at each call of ``sendto`` will either be completely received or not received at all. The last parameter will be set to ``0``. The following line creates a socket, telling the operating system that we want to communicate using IPv6 addresses and that we want to send unreliable messages.
The `DATA` primitives are exchanged through a service access point. In the socket API, the equivalent to the service access point is the `socket`. A `socket` is a data structure which is maintained by the networking stack and is used by the application every time it needs to send or receive data through the networking stack.