Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice, third edition
This is an unpolished draft of the third edition of this ebook. If you find any error or have suggestions to improve the text, please create an issue via https://github.com/CNP3/ebook/issues/new
The development of this edition of the textbook is carried out on `https://github.com/CNP3/ebook <https://github.com/CNP3/ebook>`_
The source code of the entire textbook is written in `reStructuredText <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html>`_ and uses several `sphinx <https://www.sphinx-doc.org>`_ features. You can browse these sources from `github <https://github.com/CNP3/ebook/tree/master>`_ You can download a pdf version from :download:`tmp/latex/CNP3.pdf`
The online version of the e-book at `http://beta.computer-networking.info <http://beta.computer-networking.info>`_ contains online exercises.
Part 1: Principles
Part 2: Protocols
Part 3: Practice
Indices and tables