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the `If-Modified-Since:` header is followed by a date. It enables clients to cache in memory or on disk recent or most frequently used documents. When a client needs to request a URI from a server, it first checks whether the document is already in its cache. If it is, the client sends an HTTP request with the `If-Modified-Since:` header indicating the date of the cached document. The server will only return the document attached to the HTTP response if it is newer than the version stored in the client's cache.
The HyperText Transfer Protocol
The HTTP response indicates the version of the server software used with the modules included. The `Last-Modified:` header indicates that the requested document was modified about one week before the request. A HTML document (not shown) is attached to the response. Note the blank line between the header of the HTTP response and the attached MIME document. The `Server:` header line has been truncated in this output.
The HTTP cookies introduced by Netscape_ are key for large e-commerce websites. However, they have also raised many discussions concerning their `potential misuses <http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/04/technology/04COOK.html>`_. Consider `ad.com`, a company that delivers lots of advertisements on web sites. A web site that wishes to include `ad.com`'s advertisements next to its content will add links to `ad.com` inside its HTML pages. If `ad.com` is used by many web sites, `ad.com` could be able to track the interests of all the users that visit its client websites and use this information to provide targeted advertisements. Privacy advocates have even `sued <http://epic.org/privacy/internet/cookies/>`_ online advertisement companies to force them to comply with the privacy regulations. More recent related technologies also raise `privacy concerns <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/09/new-cookie-technologies-harder-see-and-remove-wide>`_.
The HTML document shown below is composed of two parts: a header, delineated by the `<head>` and `</head>` markers, and a body (between the `<body>` and `</body>` markers). In the example below, the header only contains a title, but other types of information can be included in the header. The body contains an image, some text and a list with three hyperlinks. The image is included in the web page by indicating its URI between brackets inside the `<img src="...">` marker. It is important to note that the image can reside on any server. The client will automatically download it when rendering the web page. The `<h1>...</h1>` marker is used to specify the first level of headings. The `<ul>` marker indicates an unnumbered list while the `<li>` marker indicates a list item. The `<a href="URI">text</a>` indicates a hyperlink. The `text` will be underlined in the rendered web page and the client will fetch the specified URI when the user clicks on the link.
the `Host:` header contains the fully qualified domain name of the URI being requested.
the `HEAD` method is a variant of the `GET` method that allows the retrieval of the header lines for a given URI without retrieving the entire document. It can be used by a client to verify if a document exists, for instance.
the `GET` method is the most popular one. It is used to retrieve a document from a server. The `GET` method is encoded as `GET` followed by the path of the URI of the requested document and the version of HTTP used by the client. For example, to retrieve the http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/ URI, a client must open a TCP connection on port `80` with host `www.w3.org` and send a HTTP request containing the following line:
The first version of HTTP did not include the `Host:` header line. This was a severe limitation for web hosting companies. For example consider a web hosting company that wants to serve both `web.example.com` and `www.example.net` on the same physical server. Both web sites contain a `/index.html` document. When a client sends a request for either `http://web.example.com/index.html` or `http://www.example.net/index.html`, the HTTP 1.0 request contains the following line :
The first URI corresponds to a document named `rfc3986.html` that is stored on the server named `tools.ietf.org` and can be accessed by using the `http` protocol on its default port. The second URI corresponds to an email message, with subject `current-issue`, that will be sent to user `infobot` in domain `example.com`. The `mailto:` URI scheme is defined in :rfc:`2368`. The third URI references the portion `BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler` of the document `basehttpserver.html` that is stored in the `library` directory on the `docs.python.org` server. This document can be retrieved by using the `http` protocol. The query parameter `highlight=http` is associated to this URI. The fourth example is a server that operates the telnet_ protocol, uses IPv6 address `2001:db8:3080:3::2` and is reachable on port 2323. The last URI is somewhat special. Most users will assume that it corresponds to a document stored on the `cnn.example.com` server. However, to parse this URI, it is important to remember that the `@` character is used to separate the user name from the host name in the authorization part of a URI. This implies that the URI points to a document named `top_story.htm` on the host having IPv4 address ``. The document will be retrieved by using the `ftp` protocol with the user name set to `cnn.example.com&story=breaking_news`.
The first components of the `world wide web` are the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), defined in :rfc:`3986`. A URI is a character string that unambiguously identifies a resource on the world wide web. Here is a subset of the BNF for URIs ::
The first component of a URI is its `scheme`. A `scheme` can be seen as a selector, indicating the meaning of the fields after it. In practice, the scheme often identifies the application-layer protocol that must be used by the client to retrieve the document, but it is not always the case. Some schemes do not imply a protocol at all and some do not indicate a retrievable document [#furiretrieve]_. The most frequent schemes are `http` and `https`. We focus on `http` in this section. A URI scheme can be defined for almost any application layer protocol [#furilist]_. The characters `:` and `//` follow the `scheme` of any URI.
The example below shows the operation of HTTP/1.1 over a persistent TCP connection to retrieve three URIs stored on the same server. Once the connection has been established, the client sends its first request with the `Connection: Keep-Alive` header to request a persistent connection.
the `Date:` header indicates when the HTTP response has been produced by the server.
the `Content-Type:` header is the :term:`MIME` header that indicates the type of the attached MIME document. HTML pages use the `text/html` type.
the `Content-Length:` header is the :term:`MIME` header that indicates the length of the MIME document in bytes.
the `Content-Encoding:` header indicates how the :term:`MIME document` has been encoded. For example, this header would be set to `x-gzip` for a document compressed using the gzip_ software.
The `Connection:` header is used with the `Keep-Alive` argument by the client to indicate that it expects the underlying TCP connection to be persistent. When this header is used with the `Close` argument, it indicates that the entity that sent it will close the underlying TCP connection at the end of the HTTP response.
The client sends a second request for the style sheet of the retrieved web page.
Similarly, the following header lines can only appear inside HTTP requests sent by a client: