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the `If-Modified-Since:` header is followed by a date. It enables clients to cache in memory or on disk recent or most frequently used documents. When a client needs to request a URI from a server, it first checks whether the document is already in its cache. If it is, the client sends an HTTP request with the `If-Modified-Since:` header indicating the date of the cached document. The server will only return the document attached to the HTTP response if it is newer than the version stored in the client's cache.
The importance of the `Host:` header line
The `Keep-Alive:` header is used by the server to inform the client about how it agrees to use the persistent connection. A typical `Keep-Alive:` contains two parameters: the maximum number of requests that the server agrees to serve on the underlying TCP connection and the timeout (in seconds) after which the server will close an idle connection
the `Last-Modified:` header indicates the date and time of the last modification of the document attached to the HTTP response.
The list of standard URI schemes is maintained by IANA_ at http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html
Then the client requested the web server's icon [#ffavicon]_. This server does not contain such an icon and thus replies with a `404` HTTP status. However, the underlying TCP connection is not closed immediately.
the `POST` method can be used by a client to send a document to a server. The document is attached to the HTTP request as a MIME document.
the `Referrer:` header is followed by a URI. It indicates the URI of the document that the client visited before sending this HTTP request. Thanks to this header, the server can know the URI of the document containing the hyperlink followed by the client, if any. This information is very useful to measure the impact of advertisements containing hyperlinks placed on websites.
The response sent by the server also contains three parts :
The second component of the `word wide web` is the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). HTML defines the format of the documents that are exchanged on the `web`. The `first version of HTML <http://www.w3.org/History/19921103-hypertext/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/Tags.html>`_ was derived from the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) that was standardized in 1986 by :term:`ISO`. SGML_ was designed to support large documents maintained by government, law firms or aerospace companies that must be shared efficiently in a machine-readable manner. These industries require documents to remain readable and editable for tens of years and insisted on a standardized format supported by multiple vendors. Today, SGML_ is no longer widely used beyond specific applications, but its descendants including :term:`HTML` and :term:`XML` are now widespread.
The second part of the URI is the `authority`. With retrievable URIs, this includes the DNS name or the IP address of the server where the document can be retrieved using the protocol specified via the `scheme`. This name can be preceded by some information about the user (e.g. a user name) who is requesting the information. Earlier definitions of the URI allowed the specification of a user name and a password before the `@` character (:rfc:`1738`), but this is now deprecated as placing a password inside a URI is insecure. The host name can be followed by the semicolon character and a port number. A default port number is defined for some protocols and the port number should only be included in the URI if a non-default port number is used (for other protocols, techniques like service DNS records can used).
the `Server:` header indicates the version of the web server that has generated the HTTP response. Some servers provide information about their software release and optional modules that they use. For security reasons, some system administrators disable these headers to avoid revealing too much information about their server to potential attackers.
The server replies with the `Connection: Keep-Alive` header and indicates that it accepts a maximum of 100 HTTP requests over this connection and that it will close the connection if it remains idle for 15 seconds.
The server replies with the requested style sheet and maintains the persistent connection. Note that the server only accepts 99 remaining HTTP requests over this persistent connection.
The status line of the HTTP response begins with the version of HTTP used by the server (usually `HTTP/1.0` defined in :rfc:`1945` or `HTTP/1.1` defined in :rfc:`2616`) followed by a three digit status code and additional information in English. HTTP status codes have a similar structure as the reply codes used by SMTP:
The third and widely adopted solution are HTTP cookies. HTTP cookies were initially developed as a private extension by Netscape_. They are now part of the standard :rfc:`6265`. In a nutshell, a cookie is a short string that is chosen by a server to represent a given client. Two HTTP headers are used : `Cookie:` and `Set-Cookie:`. When a server receives an HTTP request from a new client (i.e. an HTTP request that does not contain the `Cookie:` header), it generates a cookie for the client and includes it in the `Set-Cookie:` header of the returned HTTP response. The `Set-Cookie:` header contains several additional parameters including the domain names for which the cookie is valid. The client stores all received cookies on disk and every time it sends an HTTP request, it verifies whether it already knows a cookie for this domain. If so, it attaches the `Cookie:` header to the HTTP request. This is illustrated in the figure below with HTTP 1.1, but cookies also work with HTTP 1.0.
The third component of the `world wide web` is the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP is a text-based protocol like SMTP. The client sends a request and the server returns a response. HTTP runs above the bytestream service and HTTP servers listen by default on port `80`. The design of HTTP has largely been inspired by the Internet email protocols. Each HTTP request contains three parts :
The third part of the URI is the path to the document. This path is structured as filenames on a Unix host (but it does not imply that the files are indeed stored this way on the server). If the path is not specified, the server will return a default document. The last two optional parts of the URI are used to provide a query parameter and indicate a specific part (e.g. a section in an article) of the requested document. Sample URIs are shown below.
the `User-Agent:` header provides information about the client that has generated the HTTP request. Some servers analyze this header line and return different headers and sometimes different documents for different user agents.
This problem was solved by extending HTTP to support persistent TCP connections :rfc:`2616`. A persistent connection is a TCP connection over which a client may send several HTTP requests. This is illustrated in the figure below showing the persistent connection of HTTP 1.1.