Most file transfer protocols ( :term:`ftp`, peer-to-peer file sharing applications , ...)
non-interactive multimedia applications (flash, ...)
remote computer access : :term:`telnet`, :term:`ssh`, :term:`X11`, :term:`VNC`, ...
Several researchers have analyzed the utilization of TCP and UDP in the global Internet. Most of these studies have been performed by collecting all the packets transmitted over a given link during a period of a few hours or days and then analyzing their headers to infer the transport protocol used, the type of application, ... Recent studies include http://www.caida.org/research/traffic-analysis/tcpudpratio/, https://research.sprintlabs.com/packstat/packetoverview.php or http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog43/presentations/Labovitz_internetstats_N43.pdf
The designers of TCP implementations should ensure that two TCP entities never enter a TCP `RST` war where host `A` is sending a `RST` segment in response to a previous `RST` segment that was sent by host `B` in response to a TCP `RST` segment sent by host `A` ... To avoid such an infinite exchange of `RST` segments that do not carry data, a TCP entity is *never* allowed to send a `RST` segment in response to another `RST` segment.
These throughputs are acceptable in today's networks. However, there are already servers having 10 Gbps interfaces... Early TCP implementations had fixed receiving and sending buffers [#ftcphosts]_. Today's high performance implementations are able to automatically adjust the size of the sending and receiving buffer to better support high bandwidth flows [SMM1998]_.
World wide web ( :term:`HTTP`, ...)