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This limit of 100 TCBs in the `SYN Rcvd` state was chosen to protect the TCP entity from the risk of overloading its memory with too many TCBs in the `SYN Rcvd` state. However, it was also the reason for a new type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack :rfc:`4987`. A DoS attack is defined as an attack where an attacker can render a resource unavailable in the network. For example, an attacker may cause a DoS attack on a 2 Mbps link used by a company by sending more than 2 Mbps of packets through this link. In this case, the DoS attack was more subtle. As a TCP entity discards all received `SYN` segments as soon as it has 100 TCBs in the `SYN Rcvd` state, an attacker simply had to send a few 100 `SYN` segments every second to a server and never reply to the received `SYN+ACK` segments. To avoid being caught, attackers were of course sending these `SYN` segments with a different address than their own IP address [#fspoofing]_. On most TCP implementations, once a TCB entered the `SYN Rcvd` state, it remained in this state for several seconds, waiting for a retransmission of the initial `SYN` segment. This attack was later called a `SYN flood` attack and the servers of the ISP named panix were among the first to `be affected <http://memex.org/meme2-12.html>`_ by this attack.
This heuristic requires an additional variable in the TCB (`dupacks`). Most implementations set the default number of duplicate acknowledgments that trigger a retransmission to 3. It is now part of the standard TCP specification :rfc:`2581`. The `fast retransmit` heuristic improves the TCP performance provided that isolated segments are lost and the current window is large enough to allow the sender to send three duplicate acknowledgments.
This algorithm, called the Nagle algorithm, takes a few lines of code in all TCP implementations. These lines of code have a huge impact on the packets that are exchanged in TCP/IP networks. Researchers have analyzed the distribution of the packet sizes by capturing and analyzing all the packets passing through a given link. These studies have shown several important results :
This 32 bits counter was specified in :rfc:`793`. A 32 bits counter that is incremented every 4 microseconds wraps in about 4.5 hours. This period is much larger than the Maximum Segment Lifetime that is fixed at 2 minutes in the Internet (:rfc:`791`, :rfc:`1122`).
the `URG` flag is used together with the `Urgent pointer`
the `Urgent pointer` is used to indicate that some data should be considered as urgent in a TCP bytestream. However, it is rarely used in practice and will not be described here. Additional details about the utilization of this pointer may be found in :rfc:`793`, :rfc:`1122` or [Stevens1994]_
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) was initially defined in :rfc:`793`. Several parts of the protocol have been improved since the publication of the original protocol specification [#ftcpspecs]_. However, the basics of the protocol remain and an implementation that only supports :rfc:`793` should inter-operate with today's implementation.
The Transmission Control Protocol
The Transmission Control Block
The `TIME\_WAIT` state is different from the other states of the TCP FSM. A TCP entity enters this state after having sent the last `ACK` segment on a TCP connection. This segment indicates to the remote host that all the data that it has sent have been correctly received and that it can safely release the TCP connection and discard the corresponding :term:`TCB`. After having sent the last `ACK` segment, a TCP connection enters the `TIME\_WAIT` and remains in this state for :math:`2*MSL` seconds. During this period, the TCB of the connection is maintained. This ensures that the TCP entity that sent the last `ACK` maintains enough state to be able to retransmit this segment if this `ACK` segment is lost and the remote host retransmits its last `FIN` segment or another one. The delay of :math:`2*MSL` seconds ensures that any duplicate segments on the connection would be handled correctly without causing the transmission of an `RST` segment. Without the `TIME\_WAIT` state and the :math:`2*MSL` seconds delay, the connection release would not be graceful when the last `ACK` segment is lost.
The TCP options are encoded by using a Type Length Value format where :
the `TCP Header Length` (THL) or `Data Offset` field is a four bits field that indicates the size of the TCP header in 32 bit words. The maximum size of the TCP header is thus 64 bytes.
the `SYN` flag set
the `SYN` flag is used during connection establishment
the `source and destination ports`. The source and destination ports play an important role in TCP, as they allow the identification of the connection to which a TCP segment belongs. When a client opens a TCP connection, it typically selects an ephemeral TCP port number as its source port and contacts the server by using the server's port number. All the segments that are sent by the client on this connection have the same source and destination ports. The server sends segments that contain as source (resp. destination) port, the destination (resp. source) port of the segments sent by the client (see figure :ref:`fig-tcpports`). A TCP connection is always identified by four pieces of information :
These throughputs are acceptable in today's networks. However, there are already servers having 10 Gbps interfaces... Early TCP implementations had fixed receiving and sending buffers [#ftcphosts]_. Today's high performance implementations are able to automatically adjust the size of the sending and receiving buffer to better support high bandwidth flows [SMM1998]_.
the `sequence number` set to the current value of the 32 bits counter of the server host's TCP entity
the `sequence number` set to the current value of the 32 bits counter of the client host's TCP entity
the `sequence number` (32 bits), `acknowledgment number` (32 bits) and `window` (16 bits) fields are used to provide a reliable data transfer, using a window-based protocol. In a TCP bytestream, each byte of the stream consumes one sequence number. Their usage is described in more detail in section :ref:`TCPReliable`
the second byte indicates the total length of the option (including the first two bytes) in bytes