Are you sure that you want to delete this subproblem?
This will wipe your current taskset structure. Tasks file won't be deleted but you'll have to import them again.
This taskset currently includes legacy tasks with importable data to the task dispenser settings. The taskset owner can clean the task files.
Clean task files
Your name
Contact URL
Random inputs
Regenerate random inputs for each reloading of the task page
Regenerate input random
Timeout limit (in seconds)
Hard timeout limit (in seconds) <small>Default to 3*timeout</small>
Memory limit (in megabytes)
Allow internet access inside the grading container?
It also adds and configures local interfaces with IPv4 and IPv6.
Custom command to be run in container <small>(instead of running the run script)</small>
Are the task's responses written in HTML instead of restructuredText?