Feedback is badly formatted.
User could not be created.
Container with GPUs (NVIDIA)
In order to send grade back to the TC, INGInious needs the parameters lis_outcome_service_url and lis_outcome_result_id in the LTI basic-launch-request. Please contact your administrator.
User successfully activated.
<b>Your submission has been sent...</b>
[Submission #{submissionid} (<b>{submissionDate}</b>)]
You have not sufficient right to see this part.
User not found
Impossible to delete this user
Unknown action.
Invalid type value: {}
Invalid id: {}
Some datas have the same id! The id must be unique.
File wrongly formatted.
Field was not recognized:
Unknown role:
User was not found:
Username already taken
One or more course(s) rely on the current taskset.