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English Dutch
List of exercises Lijst met oefeningen
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The feedback below will be hidden to the students until {}. De onderstaande feedback zal voor de studenten verborgen blijven tot {}.
A part of this feedback is hidden until {}. Please come back later and reload the submission to see the full feedback. Een deel van deze feedback zal verborgen blijven tot {}. Keer later terug en herlaad je inzending dan om de volledige feedback te zien.
<b>Parsing failed</b>: <pre>{}</pre> <b>Parsen mislukt</b><pre>{}</pre>
Feedback is badly formatted.
code code
single-line code code (één enkele regel)
file upload bestand upload
multiple choice meerkeuze
match overeenkomst
Environment type {0} is unknown
Auth method not found.
Incorrect authentication binding.
You must set a password before removing all bindings.
User could not be created.
Container running as root (Kata)
Multiple Choice Question solver
Container with GPUs (NVIDIA)
Course not found.