English Dutch
In order to send grade back to the TC, INGInious needs the parameters lis_outcome_service_url and lis_outcome_result_id in the LTI basic-launch-request. Please contact your administrator.
Your task has been regenerated. This current task is outdated.
Please answer to all the questions and verify the extensions of the files you want to upload. Your responses were not tested.
<b>Your submission has been sent...</b>
Internal error
<b>You are next in the waiting queue!</b>
<b>There is one task in front of you in the waiting queue.</b>
<b>There are {} tasks in front of you in the waiting queue.</b>
There are some errors in your answer. Your score is {score}%.
Your answer passed the tests! Your score is {score}%.
Your submission timed out. Your score is {score}%.
Your submission made an overflow. Your score is {score}%.
Your submission was killed.
An internal error occurred. Please retry later. If the error persists, send an email to the course administrator.
Changes couldn't be applied for following students :
An error occurred while parsing the data.
User returned an invalid form.
Operation aborted due to invalid token.
Wrong course id.
All course data have been deleted.