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The Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) defined in :rfc:`2045` are a set of extensions to the format of email messages that allow to use non-ASCII characters inside mail messages. A MIME message can be composed of several different parts each having a different format.
MIME document
A MIME document is a document, encoded by using the :term:`MIME` format.
A minicomputer is a multi-user system that was typically used in the 1960s/1970s to serve departments. See the corresponding Wikipedia article for additional information :
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that encodes (resp. decodes) digital information by modulating (resp. demodulating) an analog signal. Modems are frequently used to transmit digital information over telephone lines and radio links. See for a survey of various types of modems
A TCP option used by a TCP entity in SYN segments to indicate the Maximum Segment Size that it is able to receive.
a transmission mode where an information is sent efficiently to `all` the receivers that belong to a given group
A server that implements the DNS protocol and can answer queries for names inside its own domain.
A Network Address Translator is a middlebox that translates IP packets.
A Non Broadcast Mode Multiple Access Network is a subnetwork that supports multiple hosts/routers but does not provide an efficient way of sending broadcast frames to all devices attached to the subnetwork. ATM subnetworks are an example of NBMA networks.
network-byte order
Internet protocol allow to transport sequences of bytes. These sequences of bytes are sufficient to carry ASCII characters. The network-byte order refers to the Big-Endian encoding for 16 and 32 bits integer. See
The Network File System is defined in :rfc:`1094`
The Network Time Protocol is defined in :rfc:`1305`
Open Systems Interconnection. A set of networking standards developed by :term:`ISO` including the 7 layers OSI reference model.
Open Shortest Path First. A link-state intradomain routing protocol that is often used in enterprise and ISP networks. OSPF is defined in and :rfc:`2328` and :rfc:`5340`
a packet is the unit of information transfer in the network layer
Problem-based learning is a teaching approach that relies on problems.


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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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locale/pot/glossary.pot, string 120