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`AS3` sends first `U(2001:db8:1234/48,AS3:AS1)` to `AS4`. `AS4` has learned two routes towards `2001:db8:1234/48`. It runs its BGP decision process and selects the route via `AS3` and does not advertise a route to `AS3`
`AS4` first sends `U(2001:db8:1234/48,AS4:AS1)` to `AS3`. `AS3` has learned two routes towards `2001:db8:1234/48`. It runs its BGP decision process and selects the route via `AS4` and does not advertise a route to `AS4`
`AS3` sends `U(2001:db8:1234/48,AS3:AS1)` to `AS4` and, at the same time, `AS4` sends `U(2001:db8:1234/48,AS4:AS1)`. `AS3` prefers the route via `AS4` and thus sends `W(2001:db8:1234/48)` to `AS4`. In the mean time, `AS4` prefers the route via `AS3` and thus sends `W(2001:db8:1234/48)` to `AS3`. Upon reception of the `BGP Withdraws`, `AS3` and `AS4` only know the direct route towards `2001:db8:1234/48`. `AS3` (resp. `AS4`) sends `U(2001:db8:1234/48,AS3:AS1)` (resp. `U(2001:db8:1234/48,AS4:AS1)`) to `AS4` (resp. `AS3`). `AS3` and `AS4` could in theory continue to exchange BGP messages for ever. In practice, one of them sends one message faster than the other and BGP converges.
The example above has shown that the routes selected by BGP routers may sometimes depend on the ordering of the BGP messages that are exchanged. Other similar scenarios may be found in :rfc:`4264`.
From an operational perspective, the above configuration is annoying since the network operators cannot easily predict which paths are chosen. Unfortunately, there are even more annoying BGP configurations. For example, let us consider the configuration below which is often named `Bad Gadget` [GW1999]_
The bad gadget internetwork
In this internetwork, there are four ASes. `AS0` advertises one route towards one prefix and we only analyze the routes towards this prefix. The routing preferences of `AS1`, `AS3` and `AS4` are the following :
`AS1` prefers the path `AS3:AS0` over all other paths
`AS3` prefers the path `AS4:AS0` over all other paths
`AS4` prefers the path `AS1:AS0` over all other paths
`AS0` sends `U(p,AS0)` to `AS1`, `AS3` and `AS4`. As this is the only route known by `AS1`, `AS3` and `AS4` towards `p`, they all select the direct path. Let us now consider one possible exchange of BGP messages :
`AS1` sends `U(p, AS1:AS0)` to `AS3` and `AS4`. `AS4` selects the path via `AS1` since this is its preferred path. `AS3` still uses the direct path.
`AS4` advertises `U(p,AS4:AS1:AS0)` to `AS3`.
`AS3` sends `U(p, AS3:AS0)` to `AS1` and `AS4`. `AS1` selects the path via `AS3` since this is its preferred path. `AS4` still uses the path via `AS1`.
As `AS1` has changed its path, it sends `U(p,AS1:AS3:AS0)` to `AS4` and `W(p)` to `AS3` since its new path is via `AS3`. `AS4` switches back to the direct path.
`AS4` sends `U(p,AS4:AS0)` to `AS1` and `AS3`. `AS3` prefers the path via `AS4`.
`AS3` sends `U(p,AS3:AS4:AS0)` to `AS1` and `W(p)` to `AS4`. `AS1` switches back to the direct path and we are back at the first step.
This example shows that the convergence of BGP is unfortunately not always guaranteed as some interdomain routing policies may interfere with each other in complex ways. [GW1999]_ have shown that checking for global convergence is either NP-complete or NP-hard. See [GSW2002]_ for a more detailed discussion.
Fortunately, there are some operational guidelines [GR2001]_ [GGR2001]_ that can guarantee BGP convergence in the global Internet. To ensure that BGP will converge, these guidelines consider that there are two types of peering relationships : `customer->provider` and `shared-cost`. In this case, BGP convergence is guaranteed provided that the following conditions are fulfilled :
The topology composed of all the directed `customer->provider` peering links is a graph that does not contain any cycle
An AS always prefers a route received from a `customer` over a route received from a `shared-cost` peer or a `provider`.
The first guideline implies that the provider of the provider of `ASx` cannot be a customer of `ASx`. Such a relationship would not make sense from an economic perspective as it would imply circular payments. Furthermore, providers are usually larger than customers.
The second guideline also corresponds to economic preferences. Since a provider earns money when sending packets to one of its customers, it makes sense to prefer such customer learned routes over routes learned from providers. [GR2001]_ also shows that BGP convergence is guaranteed even if an AS associates the same preference to routes learned from a `shared-cost` peer and routes learned from a customer.
From a theoretical perspective, these guidelines should be verified automatically to ensure that BGP will always converge in the global Internet. However, such a verification cannot be performed in practice because this would force all domains to disclose their routing policies (and few are willing to do so) and furthermore the problem is known to be NP-hard [GW1999].
In practice, researchers and operators expect that these guidelines are verified [#fgranularity]_ in most domains. Thanks to the large amount of BGP data that has been collected by operators and researchers [#fbgpdata]_, several studies have analyzed the AS-level topology of the Internet. [SARK2002]_ is one of the first analysis. More recent studies include [COZ2008]_ and [DKF+2007]_
Based on these studies and [ATLAS2009]_, the AS-level Internet topology can be summarized as shown in the figure below.
The layered structure of the global Internet
The domains on the Internet can be divided in about four categories according to their role and their position in the AS-level topology.
Due to this organization of the Internet and due to the BGP decision process, most AS-level paths on the Internet have a length of 3-5 AS hops.
An analysis of the evolution of the number of domains on the global Internet during the last ten years may be found in


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locale/pot/protocols/bgp.pot, string 117