The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), defined in :rfc:`3501`, is an application-level protocol that allows a client to access and manipulate the emails stored on a server. With IMAP, the email messages remain on the server and are not downloaded on the client.
a public internet, i.e. a network composed of different networks that are running :term:`IPv4` or :term:`IPv6`
an internet is an internetwork, i.e. a network composed of different networks. The :term:`Internet`, with a capital `I` corresponds to the global network that we use today, but other internetworks have been used in the path.
inverse query
For DNS servers and resolvers, an inverse query is a query for the domain name that corresponds to a given IP address.
Internet Protocol is the generic term for the network layer protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite. IP version 4 is widely used but IP version 6 is being deployed globally.
is the version 4 of the Internet Protocol, the connectionless network layer protocol used in most of the Internet today. IPv4 addresses are encoded as a 32 bits field.
is the version 6 of the Internet Protocol, the connectionless network layer protocol which is intended to replace IPv4. IP version 6 addresses are encoded as a 128 bits field.
Intermediate System- Intermediate System. A link-state intradomain routing that was initially defined for the ISO CLNP protocol but was extended to support IP v4 and IP v6. IS-IS is often used in ISP networks. It is defined in [ISO10589]_
The Initial Sequence Number of a TCP connection is the sequence number chosen by the client ( resp. server) that is placed in the `SYN` (resp. `SYN+ACK`) segment during the establishment of the TCP connection.
The International Standardization Organization is an agency of the United Nations that is based in Geneva and develop standards on various topics. Within ISO, country representatives vote to approve or reject standards. Most of the work on the development of ISO standards is done in expert working groups. Additional information about ISO may be obtained from https://www.iso.org