English Spanish
Invalid type value: {} El tipo de archivo {} es inválido
Invalid id: {} El identificador de la etiqueta {} es inválido
Some datas have the same id! The id must be unique. ¡Algunas etiquetas contienen el mismo identificador! El identificador de cada tarea debe ser único.
File wrongly formatted.
Field was not recognized:
Unknown role: Usuario desconocido
User was not found: Usuario no encontrado : {}
This submission doesn't exist.
The following submission could not be prepared for download: {}
The submission doesn't exist.
The number of random inputs must be an integer!
The number of random inputs must be positive! ¡El número de tareas almacenadas de ser positivo!
Invalid task dispenser
Cannot contact host
Can't get field {} from your LDAP server
Can't get some user fields
This page lists the coming tasks ordered on deadlines for courses you are registered in.
Switch time planner
Modify time planner