English Spanish
You are not allowed to submit for this task. Usted no esta autorizado a enviar esta tarea.
Your task has been regenerated. This current task is outdated. Esta tarea ha sido reinicializada y no está disponible.
Please answer to all the questions and verify the extensions of the files you want to upload. Your responses were not tested. Responda a todas las preguntas y verifique que las extensiones de los archivos enviados sean correctas. Estas respuestas no han sido verificadas.
<b>Your submission has been sent...</b> <b>Su petición ha sido enviada...</b>
Internal error Error interno
<b>INGInious is currently grading your answers.</b> (almost done) <b>INGInious está actualmente calificando tus respuestas.</b> (casi ha finalizado)
<b>INGInious is currently grading your answers.</b> (Approx. wait time: {} seconds) <b>INGInious está calificando tus respuestas actualmente.</b> (Tiempo de espera aprox.: {} segundos)
<b>You are next in the waiting queue!</b> <b>¡Eres el siguiente en la lista de espera!</b>
<b>There is one task in front of you in the waiting queue.</b> <b>Hay una tarea más en la lista de espera.</b>
<b>There are {} tasks in front of you in the waiting queue.</b> <b>Hay {} tareas más en la lista de espera.</b>
There are some errors in your answer. Your score is {score}%. Tu respuesta contiene algunos errores. Tu calificación actual es {score}%.
Your answer passed the tests! Your score is {score}%. ¡Tu respuesta es exitosa! Tu calificación es {score}%.
Your submission timed out. Your score is {score}%. El tiempo de tu petición se ha terminado. Tu calificación es {score}%.
Your submission made an overflow. Your score is {score}%. Tu respuesta ha generado un "overflow" (desbordamiento) en memoria. Tu calificación es {score}%.
Your submission was killed. Tu tarea ha sido terminada.
An internal error occurred. Please retry later. If the error persists, send an email to the course administrator. Ha ocurrido un error interno. Intenta más tarde. Si el error persiste, envía un correo electrónico al administrador del curso.
[Submission #{submissionid} (<b>{submissionDate}</b>)] [Tarea #{submissionid}]
<truncated> <incompleto>
An account using this email already exists and is not bound with this service. For security reasons, please log in via another method and bind your account in your profile.
Couldn't fetch the required information from the service. Please check the provided permissions (name, email) and contact your INGInious administrator if the error persists.