An error occurred while dumping course from database: {}
An error occurred while restoring backup: {}
An error occurred while deleting the course data: {}
Invalid type value: {}
Tipo de arquivo inválido: {}
Invalid id: {}
ID de tag inválido: {}
Some datas have the same id! The id must be unique.
Algumas tags têm o mesmo ID! O ID de uma tag deve ser exclusivo.
Invalid dates
New audience created.
File wrongly formatted.
Field was not recognized:
Unknown role:
User was not found:
Groups updated.
This submission doesn't exist.
Invalid ObjectId.
The following submission could not be prepared for download: {}
You don't have admin rights on this course.
{0} selected submissions were set for replay.
{0} submissões selecionadas foram definidas para reprodução.
The submission doesn't exist.
Invalid task id