
English French Actions
Exercises Exercices
This section gathers a series of open questions that have been designed to enable the students to improve their understanding of the topics presented in the e-book. These open questions typically contain a small problem that needs to be solved by the student. They are designed so that they can lead to discussions with teaching assistants. Cette section regroupe une série de questions ouvertes destinées à permettre aux étudiants d'améliorer leur compréhension des sujets abordés dans cet e-book. Ces questions ouvertes contiennent généralement des petits problèmes à résoudre par l'étudiant. Ils sont faits pour encourager la discussion avec les assistants.
Several `Multiple Choice Questions` and simple exercises are included in the main text and supported by the platform. Plusieurs `questions à choix multiples` et des exercices simples sont inclus dans le texte principal et fournis grâce à la plateforme .
A good understanding of the topics covered by this e-book can only be obtained by solving the proposed exercises. Reading the e-book from the first to the last page is not sufficient to get a detailed knowledge of computer networking. Une bonne compréhension des sujets couverts par cet e-book peut être acquise seulement en résolvant les exercices proposés. Lire le livre jusqu'à la dernière ligne n'est pas suffisant pour une compréhension approfondie des réseaux informatiques.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated cnp3-ebook/exercises/intro
The following strings have the same context and source.
Propagated Empty cnp3-ebook/exercises/lan
Propagated Empty cnp3-ebook/exercises/routing-protocols
Propagated Translated cnp3-ebook/exercises/sockets
Propagated Empty cnp3-ebook/exercises/routing-policies


User avatar pdan1

New translation

cnp3-ebook / exercises/introFrench

4 years ago
User avatar pdan1

New contributor

cnp3-ebook / exercises/introFrench

New contributor 4 years ago
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Things to check


This string has more than one translation in this project or is untranslated in some components.



English French
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/exercises/intro.po, string 1