
English Norwegian Bokmål Actions
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Not yet attempted Fremdeles ikke forsøkt
Succeeded Gjennomført
Waiting for verification Venter på verifikasjon
Failed Feilet
Grade Vurdering
Attempts Forsøk
No limitation Ingen begrensning
{nb_submissions} submissions<br /> every {nb_hours} hour(s) {nb_submissions} innleveringer<br/> hver {nb_hours} time(r)
{nb_submissions} submissions {nb_submissions} innleveringer
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Tags Merkelapper
This course is currently invisible for students. You can change this by modifying the "accessible" option in the configuration of the course. Dette kurset er usynlig for studenter. Du kan endre dette ved å endre "tilgjengelighet" i kursinnstillingene.
This task is currently invisible for students. You can change this by modifying the "accessible" option in the configuration of the task. Denne oppgaven er usynlig for studenter. Du kan endre dette ved å endre "tilgjengelighet" i oppgavekonfigurasjonen.
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Save my work in memory Lagre mitt arbeid til minnet
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Alternatively, you can also paste this command into your terminal: Alternativt kan du lime inn denne kommandoen i din terminal:


User avatar djupdal

New translation

INGInious / FrontendNorwegian Bokmål

a year ago
User avatar None

String updated in the repository

INGInious / FrontendNorwegian Bokmål

a year ago
Browse all component changes